Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

My favorite part of the New Year is resolutions.  I had a really great 2011.  Here are some of the highlights:
1. I went back to school to finish undergrad.  That meant transferring jobs and moving back to Athens, which was a little stressful, but well worth it.
2. Terry and I vacationed in Naples, Florida!
3. I ran the Warrior Dash with Keats
4. I made a few new friends that have quickly become very important people in my life.
5. My relationship with my parents has never been better :)
6. Dudefriend took me to Asheville for my 23rd birthday.
7. My Grandma turned 70!

I'm really proud of the year I've had, and I'm in such a good place for 2012.  This year, I made 24 resolutions, since my 24th birthday is in November.  

1. Run a 10k.
2. Take a daily multivitamin.
3. Call my Grandparents every week.
4. Read 15 books for pleasure. (I'm one in already!)
5. Make all A's in my classes.
6. Go turkey hunting.
7. Take a trip to the west coast.
8. Go kayaking.
9. Take Dudefriend to Pigeon Mountain to show him the caves.
10. Visit Washington D.C.
11. Buy less coffee out, drink more at home.
12. Wear sunscreen!  I'm so bad about this.
13. Vid-chat with my lil bro.
14. Make time for my friends, old and new.  
15. Build more furniture with Dudefriend!
16. Learn how to clean a fish.
17. Keep my herbs from dying.
18. Take advantage of all the free parks and exhibits in Athens.
19. Take more photos.
20. Go to a winery with Terry.
21. Talk to my professors during their office hours.
22. Craft crafts I love to craft.
23. Write more, here and personally.

I couldn't be more excited.  Good luck on your resolutions!


(When I told my mom I wanted this book for Christmas, her response was "Why? The Office isn't even funny."  Moms.)

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns
by Mindy Kaling

I usually don't read books in one sitting, but much like Tina Fey's book, I devoured this in a couple of hours.  Mindy has the best voice (I guess that's to be expected, she's a writer and comedian) and her chapters read like your best friend is telling you the funniest story.  

What really impressed me is that while the entire thing is hilarious, it's also so very relate-able.  Reading about her struggles to accept critique and work in a writing group - learning to play well with others - is a lesson anyone (me me me) can definitely pocket.  Her honesty is admirable.  Every time I've hears someone mention this book, their response is always how much Mindy is like them.  I think this is just because everything she writes is so honest, how could it NOT reflect your life too?  Real-world observations and experiences.

I definitely recommend.
Excerpt on Amazon.

Painting under the influence

A few years ago, Terry and I used to have Craft and Beer Fridays, where we would get together and craft under the influence*.  Well, tonight Dudefriend and I got the opportunity to imbibe while taking a painting lesson!  We checked out Pints and Paints (due to a sweet sweet Dealmob we received as a gift) and had a blast.

The picture was called "Iron Horse."  I think I won.  I mean, whoops.  It's not a competition. It's not a competition. It's not a competition.

*Crafting under the influence, unlike painting under the influence, is not an activity for novice crafters.  Please note that I do not endorse amateur drunk crafting.  It takes years of glue gun burns and needle-wielding to be able to hold your own on the craft frontier.  It's a dangerous world.  If you don't believe me, pick up a copy of  Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People at your local bookstore.**

**(guys, that's actually a really funny video, you should watch it)