Monday, August 29, 2011


Isn't it weird how animals like gross things? Like, rotting garbage or other animals' feces?

Mufasa likes feet.

He also likes my pits after a run. He noses way up in there and tries to lick. It's super nasty.

Your morning dose of gross, thoughtfully brought to you by Mess.
You're welcome.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Delicious Treats: My Life

I've really hit a kitchen low:

I considered making the Mayonegg.

Am I gross? Maybe. I like to think I'm just bland though.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Book Review

The Help

by Kathryn Stockett It took me a couple of days to really get in to this book, but once I did I read it straight through. Surprisingly light for the subject matter, The Help explores the relationships between white women and their hired black help in mid-20th century Mississippi.

Overall, the book was good. Stockett has a nice voice, and it reads easy. It was a little too fluffy for my taste, barely brushing on the dark side of the issue. It reads more as a coming-of-age story than a commentary on the social turmoil of the time.

Have you ever read a book that you really enjoyed while you were reading it, and immediately afterwards you were like yeah! it's so good! go read it! but then a week later you just feel sort of meh about it? That's how I feel about this book. It's a good read, very interesting, but probably not as good as I initially thought.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Behind the Times

So remember that one time (21 years) that I thought Narwhals were fictional fantasy beasties? I was sure set straight. They're real.I somehow missed the news of Amy Winehouse's death, too. It only took me 3 weeks this time though. Her voice was amazing, take a listen.


Whenever I go to Altanta it's bad news. OK, maybe I'm not the best driver. I'll admit it. My mother's nerves run in my veins and traffic gives me little hives. I may or may not be joking.

Why do people always get so weird about me and Terry sharing a fitting room? Yeah, ok, we are adult women and not 14 and maybe it's looked down upon in store like the GAP but really, so what who cares? Sometimes you need your best friend's opinion without having to step out of the room. GET OVER IT ATTENDANT. IT'S NOT WEIRD.

I always joke that I keep Terry around bc while I may be an unlucky person in general, her luck always takes the bad-luck cake. Like a few weeks ago when she got drenched (DRENCHED like thrown in a pool) by some rain and then had to spend an hour in the nuddy-pants hanging out in a creeper's apartment who was trying hard to feel it up.

Have you ever been to IKEA? That place is freaking awful.. have you noticed what jerks a lot of the people shopping there are? HELLO. Also, the parking lot. THE PARKING GARAGE. I'm sorry, multiple parking garages. And is it just me but does a food court in a furniture store just seem like a bad idea? And no I don't want to get my own furniture down, I get paid to do that at work. Actually, I get paid to find a strong boy who is also getting paid to get furniture down. I won't even do it when I'm getting paid, I sure don't want to do it when I'm footing the bill.

Basically, I should just stay OTP. In the woods. Or at my laptop watching Lonely Island vids.

Unless you're driving. Then I'll tag along. After I take a Valium.