Monday, May 30, 2011

Lundi Link-day


Did you know that plastics were first created to help save the environment? I didn't! This book has made it on to my summer reading list for sure.

A look at a few bathroom fixtures that were once standard that we have since done away with.

This article is sad and scary, but I think we all know someone who has had this happen to them. Watch your money!

MEOW! Cats in art. First cat looks like he's being tortured..

The nearly-magical (OK, I know it's not really magic...) Wolfram Alpha search engine turning two. Are we SURE it's not powered by Wolfram and Hart??

I haven't had pancakes in a year! These Quinoa Pancakes seem like a perfect recipe to break that dry spell AND eat more Quinoa - a protein powerhouse. The New York Times recipes for health all look delicious, fo real.

A 28-day Digital Diet. As much as I love breaking my Internet addiction every once and a while, 28 days is a long time to go. I really like the idea for a contest between friends to see who could text the least during a month.

Want some new music for Monday? This has been making me smile.

Awaiting the Rapture
Boring Candidates - Although I must disagree - John Edwards was pretty boring until he was at the center of his own sex scandal.
Let's Clear-Cut the Rain forest!
A decent article about different potential candidates
Newt loves Dancing Queen

Just so we're clear, the Britbrit vid is part of the Republican madness.

YAY for Zooey Deschanel and the other hilarious ladies behind HelloGiggles!

Have a really awesome week, STAY HYDRATED.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lundi Link-day (belated)

The kid brother and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4 on Friday. It was fun, like the others, but they didn't bother changing up the soundtrack much - they basically took it straight from the first movie and did not vary the theme. That was a smidge disappointing.


See kids, facebook is draining.

Guess! The! Sentences!

Are you a negative person? I sometimes am, and this article really hits home for me.

This guy's blog is pretty awesome, here's one of my favorite articles. Could you do all 72 things? It's daunting but I bet it would make life way more enjoyable.

Swoon. Also: I really want a skirt guard.

Magnetic digital Cat Camera that takes saturated pictures.

Small week, yes.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Have you met my dog?

Meet Kingsley, my dog. He's a big scaredy-cat. In fact, he is scared of cats. And big, fluffy dogs. And Nikita.
He's a fun day trip partner. I haven't taken him on an overnight camping trip yet because he's a little unpredictable. We are going to try it out in 2 weeks though! That's my little brother with the dog. Only he's not so little any more - 13! Sheesh.

That last photo was taken with my new camera - a Diana Mini. The pictures turned out very Diana-esque, so I guess round 1 was a success.

Last Weekend

Just got my handy disposable cam developed from last weekend, and some of the pics were cute:

Terry and I split a delicious (read: too rich to finish) cupcake from Gigi's Cupcakes in Athens, and felt the need to document it. That's what happens when we spend too much time apart.

Nice work graduating, Terry.

Terry and Chris

Scary flash at night. Eek, a big downside to going disposable.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN. Seriously, I would do it again in a heartbeat. When it was over, Keats and I wanted to line up and do it again.

It's really not a difficult race. I'd say if you can run 2 miles you're good to go. The only part that *killed* me was the mile up a muddy hill. We don't HAVE hills down here on the coastal plain!

Next year I'm going to try for under 30 minutes. :)

Try to be at the head of the pack: we had to wait for at least a minute at this obstacle because there were so many people! Same thing for a couple of the other challenges. But then again, we were a minute late to the starting line.

If you're thinking about doing it, just sign up. It was super fun.

Eating the Yard

Check out all the goodies growing in the yard: PEPPERS



Not pictured: Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Pecans, Tomatoes, Squash, Cucumber. Yum yum yummm.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lundi Link-day

Happy Monday! This week is my return to being an enrolled student, even though my classes don't begin until August. I'm still excited though :)

NASA is looking for schools to give real space stuff to. Tell a teacher!

Everyone knows that it's SO HARD to maintain healthy habits when you are overworked and stressed. This article provides some excellent tips to help keep your health a priority. Something that I started doing this year is using a planner religiously: I write every little thing I want to accomplish or need to remember to pack the night before, and then the next day you get to cross items off your list. It really helps me fit in exercise and eating decently on a day where I'm rushing between jobs and errands.

Less than a week until the Warrior Dash! I'm nervous.

Have you read about Masada? A friend gave me this book so I've been reading up on it lately. Just a bit of interesting history.

Hillary Clinton and Middle East conflict, from Vanity Fair.

Also from Vanity Fair: A 360 degree photo story of Donald Trump's hair.

Photos of shipwrecks calling out to the treasure-lover in me.

Have a really great week! Good job to all you kids graduating this weekend.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lundi Link-day

Happy Monday! And a belated May Day too.
Learning to want less. This is a hard lesson for me - I'm constantly craving new THINGS. Clothes, music, gadgets, books, food. I'm a big-time consumer. Lately I've been realizing that consumerism makes me sad, so I'm trying to want less. I think wanting more is an addiction: once I buy something new I just want to keep buying more and more...

Chicks with Steve Buschemeyes. Pretty funny.

I've never had any running training, but after running regularly for a few months I've wanted to improve my form. I've been trying these drills this week to see if they make running feel like less work.

The 2011 TIME 100. I thought a lot of this was pretty dull this year. Joe Biden, Barack and Michelle, AND Hillary Clinton? Lacking a little creativity, guys. It's still interesting to read though, and I discovered some new stuff, like this.

EagleCam. Mom's obsessed with it.

OMG. I will be making these ASAP. Oh, how I LOVE bacon.

Someone showed this to me a long time ago, but for some reason I always think of it when I think of bacon. Which is often.

Did you SEE the Royal Wedding Cake? wowza...


Have a happy week!